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Xpert Tips for Spring Cleaning

It is that time of year again. The dreary clouds are parting and the sun is peaking through. Birds are finally chirping again and snow is dissipating. YES! What does this mean for your car? Spring cleaning! Here are some helpful tips for washing away the winter blues and welcoming the spring.

  1. Empty out your car. Throw away all trash.We all know that during the winter we pull up to the gas pump, fill up, and out we go. Who wants to stand in the cold cleaning it out? Not me. Spring is the perfect time to   clear it all out.
  2. Make sure you have your registration and insurance and it is up to date. Clean out your glove box. Crazy the things you’ll find hiding in there. Like the long lost snickers from three years ago or your car registration from high school.
  3. Vacuum / shake out the mats.   Vacuum underneath your seats and shake your mats. If you have WeatherTek mats spray them off and let them dry before putting them back in your cars. If you need help           with this, stop by 1 of our 4 locations.
  4. Check fluids (oil, washer, gas). It is easy to skip past checking the fluid levels in your vehicle in the winter months. Now is the time to check them. Make sure all fluid levels are at a healthy level for your car.
  5. Check windshield wipers. With “April showers bring May flowers”, we want them working properly. Using rubbing alcohol on a cotton swap to clean the blade takes off the residue from the salt and ‘muck’ from the winter weather.
  6. Wash the outside. Seem silly? Yes, but so important. Cleaning off the salt residue will help prevent rust damage to your vehicle. The Michigan roads do a number on your vehicle. After washing, waxing your vehicle protects the paint for the upcoming sun; provides protection against scratches, saves you money (it costs a lot of money to have a paint job done on your vehicle), improves resale value, and the obvious- makes your car look shiny.
  7. Wipe down the interior. Wiping down the dash and other plastic interior pieces with a sun protecting cleaner will  keep the youth of the interior. With the sun coming out more often, it is important to protect your dash from sun damage.
  8. Wash your windows. Cleaning your windshield will make it easier to see with the blinding sun. Obvious? Yes, but it will also help with morning and night-time driving.
  9. Keep your car smelling fresh.  Stop into 1 of 4 Auto Body Xperts locations to pick up a free car freshener. There is nothing better than climbing into a good smelling, clean, and well cared for vehicle.