The scavenger hunt is over! Thank you so much to everyone who participated! We know we had a lot of people who were looking very hard but now is the exciting time to announce where the car was hidden!
The car was hidden by Adam Street Landing in Holland!
If you park in the main parking lot at Adam Street Landing, walk down under the bridge, down the path until you get to a clearing on your left. If you look in the clearing, there is a pile of bricks, the car was hidden there!
All of the clues were:
May 21: The hunt has started! But before you go out and find the car to win big! It’s important to know what you are looking for! When you think of car, you think BIG! But it may not be as big as you think.
May 22: But don’t worry, the car is white and black so it will be easy to find!
May 23: Auto Body Xperts has been serving the West Michigan area for 70 years! So we made sure to hide the car in West Michigan!
May 24: The car is hidden in the county that was named after a group of Indians who occupied this area in the middle of the 17th century.
May 25: As for the town, they cut doors in half and wear wooden shoes.
May 28: This town is well known for its flowers!
May 29: Although it is our car, it is not hidden on our property!
May 30: It is hidden somewhere everyone can go.
May 31: It’s at a place that is perfect to go for some summer fun…
June 1: …and enjoy nature!
June 4: It’s a great place to go for a walk…
June 5: …or have a picnic!
June 6: Be sure to bring the whole family! Dogs are welcome to come too!
June 7: Many know the area but have not noticed that this specific area is there!
June 8: You can walk on the bridge…
June 11: …or go fishing!
June 12: You can go kayaking…
June 13: …on the Macatawa River!
June 14: There is 10 acres of fun!
June 15: Although there is 10 acres of fun, you don’t have to go far to find the car and win big!
June 18: We’ve had lots of people join the scavenger hunt mid contest so we wanted to release 5 past clues that will help answer a lot of questions we’ve had! (1) But don’t worry, the car is white and black so it will be easy to find! (2) Many know the area but have not noticed that this specific area is there! (3) You can go kayaking… (4) …on the Macatawa River! (5) There is 10 acres of fun!
June 19: When walking along the path, look to the left
June 20: Looking from a child’s height is advised
June 21: You will win when you can bring us the car in your hand
We were so overwhelmed by so many people that played! We stopped by the park a few times and saw lots of people playing!
After LOTS of looking, Steve (and his wife Krista) found the car winning the $500 Amazon Gift Card!
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported us for the past 70 years!